Friday, July 16, 2010


Traditional CacheTTMTD-24

A cache by games52Hidden : 07/02/2010
Size: Size: Micro (Micro)Difficulty: 1 out of 5Terrain: 1 out of 5

 July 16 by The Hekawi Tribe (238 found)

A quick easy find, TFTC

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Listened to my first live Geocaching Podcast

Geocaching Podcast

Really interesting, its a live podcast with chat.  There is a new podcast every Tuesday @ 9, check it out.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Our New Cache

We adopted:

Traditional CacheIn Memory of Memorial Bridge

A cache by Banditlead&Buttercup606 adopted - The Hekawi TribeHidden : 10/23/2007
Size: Size: Micro (Micro)Difficulty: 1.5 out of 5Terrain: 1 out of 5


 July 12 by The Hekawi Tribe (237 found)

As the proud new owner of this cache, I stopped by today and replaced the cache. I modified a container that will hopefully muggles will leave alone.
Good Luck!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Traditional CacheTTMTD-38

A cache by games52Hidden : 07/02/2010
Size: Size: Micro (Micro)Difficulty: 1 out of 5Terrain: 1.5 out of 5


 July 10 by The Hekawi Tribe (236 found)

Looked for about 5 minutes and we were approached by "C-Town" security  and wanted to know what we were looking for in their tree. Tried to explain but they were looking at us like we were crazy and asked us to stop 

Cache owner might think about moving this one. 


Traditional CacheTTMTD-44

A cache by games52Hidden : 07/02/2010
Size: Size: Micro (Micro)Difficulty: 1 out of 5Terrain: 1 out of 5


 July 10 by The Hekawi Tribe (236 found)

Another quick find, it was in the first place we looked.


Traditional CacheTTMTD-43

A cache by games52Hidden : 07/02/2010
Size: Size: Micro (Micro)Difficulty: 1 out of 5Terrain: 1.5 out of 5


 July 10 by The Hekawi Tribe (236 found)

A nice quick find with no muggles around.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Great Wall of Wallingford

Traditional CacheThe Great Wall of Wallingford

A cache by RRKMHidden : 07/01/2010
Size: Size: Other (Other)Difficulty: 4 out of 5Terrain: 1.5 out of 5
 (1 is easiest, 5 is hardest)

 July 4 by The Hekawi Tribe (234 found)

I was searching for this one for a little while when Jake-2687 showed up with his kids and good thing because I was just going to give up and then Harvick29 came up with the find .
Cool container and nice hide.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Format for the Blog

coolI have decided to start posting the cache info along with our post for that log, it makes it much easier for me to post and I think it will be cool to look back and read our post. cool